Thank-you for purchasing Phase One of my signature program -Beat the Bloat. I am so grateful to be a part of your health journey!

You are on your way to finding your superpower!

Please see below the next steps and what to expect over the coming weeks.

  1. Your program request has been sent to me for approval.

  2. I will get going on building & designing your personalized program!

  3. You will receive your FULL PROGRAM (COACHING + NUTRITION) approximately one week before your period through your CLIENT PORTAL. This is to ensure you have time to get organized, familiarize yourself with the platform, purchase groceries, order supplements, etc. Please don’t start your program until DAY ONE OF YOUR CYCLE (first day of bleed), it has been designed to work with your cycle.

  4. At this point, you will have full-access to Full-Script, my online dispensary. You can order all your recommended supplements and have them delivered right to your home at a discounted rate. You can do this right through your portal.

  5. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns - I’m here to support you in any way I can. ♡ You can either message me on the red private chat button on your portal or contact me through email here: CONTACT ME